You May Be a Candidate for Mini Dental Implants


Called Small Diameter Implants, or SDI’s, Mini Dental Implants are any type of dental implant that is 3.0mm or smaller. Small Diameter Implants mean less surgery for dental implant placement making Small Diameter Implants perfect for older people and patients who have certain medical conditions. Other reasons to consider Mini Dental Implants Include:

  • Less pain
  • Faster recovery time
  • Less expensive
  • Can be placed where there is less bone
  • More comfortable
  • Fewer complications

Mini Dental Implants were developed more than 30 years ago for patients who needed temporary stabilization while the larger dental implants were healing. Since then, Mini Dental Implants have been used to support fixed bridges and crowns and to stabilize both partial and full dentures. So successful, Mini Dental Implants are now approved for all situations and long-term use.

Because Mini Dental Implants are so small, your dentist can place Small Diameter Implants in areas where you have less bone. This can reduce the need for extensive and painful bone grafting surgery, which is often needed before dental implant placement.

Your dentist explains that with Mini Dental Implants, there is no need for complicated flap surgery. Mini Dental Implants also mean less healing time. Because Small Diameter Implants don’t require surgery like dentures do, the tooth can be loaded in a few hours making the healing process a lot faster. With Mini Dental Implants, healing is reduced from months to a few days.

With Small Diameter Implants, there is less disturbance to the tissue and bone. There is also less time involved with the procedure usually being completed in a single dental visit. In fact, most patients will be able to eat normally the same evening.

Unlike dentures, Small Diameter Implants will not slip giving you the confidence you need to eat, talk, and socialize. Mini Dental Implants will also help prevent facial collapse because the Mini Dental Implants are fixed inside your jawbone acting just like a tooth root.

If you have been told that you are not a good candidate for dental implants, call and schedule an appointment with your dentist who can determine if Mini Dental Implants are a good fit for you.