When electronic toothbrushes first arrived in the dental healthcare market, there was only one brand offering automatic oral health care. These days, however, there are many different electronic toothbrushes available to consumers with different options — like re-chargeable batteries, smaller designs, and superb cleaning options. Because of this, it can be daunting when trying to figure out which electronic toothbrush is right for you.
Fortunately, Dr. J. Craig Alexander, an East Greenbush dentist, wants to help guide you through the maze of modern electronic toothbrushes. First, let’s discuss the main difference between the two major electronic tooth brushes.
Electronic V. Sonic
Electronic toothbrushes are designed to mimic the motion of your hand when you brush your teeth with a regular toothbrush, except you get 3,000 to 7,500 rotations per minute. These toothbrushes do most of the work for you. Sonic toothbrushes dwarf regular electronic toothbrushes with 30,000 to 40,000 strokes per minute. The sonic toothbrushes rapid movements go a long way to remove plaque and ultimately, lead to an easy next check-up at Dr. Alexander’s East Greenbush office.
How You Reap The Benefits
Recent studies have shown that electronic and Sonic toothbrushes help alleviate plaque and gingivitis — reducing your risk of future gum disease as a result of gingivitis and eventually, periodontitis. Additionally, if you have any dexterity issues, having a toothbrush do the work for you, while also getting better than average results is another bonus. It might even influence users to brush more often, since there is less manual labor involved.
The only drawback associated with power toothbrushes is that they may be too expensive for some — ranging in price from $15 to $100. Some even break the $100 dollar price point.
What Your East Greenbush Dentist Recommends
Since buying a power toothbrush can be a commitment of $100, Dr. Alexander knows how important it is to get the best one. As such, he advises his patients to ask their dental hygienist for their opinion on which electronic toothbrush is right for them during their next visit to our East Greenbush dental office.