Less Complications with Mini Dental Implants


Mini Dental Implants were developed over thirty years ago for temporary dental prosthetics stabilization, while you and your dentist waited for your larger dental implants to heal. Now mini Dental Implants are used to stabilize both full and partial dentures along with supporting crowns and fixed bridges. Now approved for long-term use, Mini Dental Implants have several advantages over full size dental implants.

Because Mini Dental Implants, or SDI’s, are just 2.6mm or even smaller, they can be placed in areas where there is less bone. This reduces the need for extensive bone grafting surgery that is sometimes needed before full sized dental implants can be placed. A conventional or full sized dental implant is a two-piece prosthetic while a Mini Dental Implant consists of a one-piece screw that your dentist inserts into your jawbone. Because Mini Dental Implants are about half the size of a full size dental implant, two Mini Dental Implants may be needed for larger teeth. If the implant is used for a smaller tooth, or just needs some support a single Mini Dental Implant will suffice. In some patients, the only option is a Mini Dental Implant if the jawbone density has been lessened or compromised.

Because there is less invasive surgery, Mini Dental Implants are perfect for older and medically challenged patients. Mini Dental Implants also require less down time, quicker recovery and less pain. Mini Dental Implants do not require sutures and are minimally invasive. The Mini Dental Implant procedure can usually be completed in a single dental visit with most patients being able to eat solid food the same day.

Mini Dental Implants can also be placed for a fraction of the cost of conventional dental implants.

Because there is less tissue and bone disturbance, you may only need an over the counter medication to relieve the pain. Some patients require no medication after the procedure.

Unlike uncomfortable dentures, Mini Dental Implants do not feel awkward or slip. However, your dentist can use Mini Dental Implants to realign your dentures.

Mini Dental Implants can also help prevent facial collapse caused by missing teeth. Because the Mini Dental Implant is fixed into your jawbone, just like the roots of your teeth, facial collapse is prevented.

With Mini Dental Implants, there are fewer complications as well thanks to the techniques that have been refined over the years.

Of course, only your dentist can determine if Mini Dental Implants are the best solution for you. Schedule an appointment with your dentist today.