Do You Have Dry Mouth?


Everyone needs saliva to cleanse and moisten. Saliva also helps control mouth and bacteria that can prevent infections. However, not everyone gets the amount of saliva needed, which could result in a condition known as Dry Mouth.

Dry Mouth increases your risk of tooth decay, gum disease and certain mouth infections. If you have Dry Mouth, it may also make it difficult to wear dentures.

Symptoms of Dry Mouth Include:

  • Being thirsty all the time
  • Dry and sticky feeling in your mouth
  • Mouth sores or split skin at the corners of your mouth
  • Cracked lips
  • A dry throat
  • A red, raw, and dry tongue
  • Speech problems
  • Problems tasting
  • Difficulty chewing and swallowing
  • Dry nasal passages
  • Sore throat
  • Sounding hoarse
  • Bad breath
  • Certain medications
  • Systemic diseases

Dry Mouth is a common side effect with both prescription and over the counter drugs. Some of the more common drugs that can cause side effects include drugs that are used for allergies, pain, anxiety, and depression. Drugs for acne, obesity, psychotic disorders, asthma, Parkinson’s disease, sedatives, muscle relaxants, and drugs for epilepsy and hypertension can also cause dry mouth.

Certain medical treatments can cause damage to your salivary glands reducing the amount that you produce. Some of the damage could be caused by neck and head radiation and chemotherapy.

If you have had nerve damage to your neck or head from surgery or an injury, Dry Mouth could also be an issue.

How can Dry Mouth Be Treated?

You may be able to improve the flow of your saliva by trying the following:

  • Chew on sugarless gum or suck on a sugar free lozenge
  • Up your water intake
  • Use a fluoride rinse and brush with fluorite toothpaste
  • Schedule regular checkups with your dentist
  • Don’t breathe through your mouth
  • Use a vaporizer for moisture
  • Try an artificial saliva substitute from your local pharmacy

The best thing to do if you suspect you may have Dry Mouth is to schedule an appointment with your doctor or dentist who may be able to prescribe something to help restore the moisture in your mouth.

Dry Mouth doesn’t have to be a life sentence. Call or click and schedule an appointment with your dentist who may be able to help your chronic Dry Mouth. Call or click today.